
2022 Selected By-Laws

B-L 16 of 2022:  Being a Bylaw to impose user fees for specific services.

2021 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 6 of 2021:  A By-law to establish development charges for the Corporation of the Township of St. Clair.

2020 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 7 of 2020:  Being a Bylaw to Establish the Office of the Integrity Commissioner and retain services on a four year term.

By-Law 50 of 2020:  A Bylaw to Regulate the Sale and Use of Fireworks and Explosives in the Township of St. Clair.

2019 Selected By-Laws

B-L 42 of 2019 Procedural By-Law for Council – AS AMENDED BY B-L 26 and 47 OF 2020 A By-Law to establish policies and procedures for Council and Committee Meetings

2018 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 31 of 2018:  A By-law to regulate the erection of signs for the St. Clair Township 2018 Municipal election.

By-Law 45 of 2018:  Being a By-law to regulate use of the St. Clair River Trail.

By-Law 70 of 2018:  Being by-law to establish Standing Committees of Council and to establish certain appointments for the Township of St. Clair for two year appointments from 2018 through 2020.

2017 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 33 of 2017: Being a by-law to regulate Winter Parking and the Parking of Recreational and Commercial Trailers

By-Law 57 of 2017:  Being a by-law of the Corporation of the Township of St. Clair to provide for procurement procedures (Purchasing By-Law)

By-Law 55 of 2017:  Being a by-law to regulate open air burning in the Township of St. Clair.

B-L 53 of 2017 AS AMENDED:  Being a by-law to provide for standards of maintenance and occupancy.

By-Law 41 of 2017:  Being a by-law to impose user fees and charges within the Township of St. Clair (replacing Township of St. Clair By-law Number 16 of 2013 and Bylaw 20 of 2010).

By-Law 24 of 2017:  A By-Law to regulate the discharge of sewage and storm water in St. Clair Township.

By-Law 23 of 2017:  A By-Law to provide for the regulation of water supply for St. Clair Township.

By-Law 13 of 2017:  Being a Bylaw to be known as the SIGN BYLAW to regulate the erection, display, alteration, repair and removal of signs within the Township of St. Clair.

By-Law 2 of 2017:  Being a by-law to establish Standing Committees of Council and to establish certain appointments for the Township of St. Clair for the year 2017 and to repeal By-law 6 of 2015.

2016 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 9 of 2016:  A by-law to establish development charges for the Corporation of the Township of St. Clair.

2015 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 6 of 2015: Being a by-law to establish Standing Committees of Council and to establish certain appointments for the Township of St. Clair for the year 2015 and to repeal By-law 15 of 2014.

2014 Selected By-Laws

By-Law 51 of 2014: Being a by-law to prohibit the parking of vehicles so as to interfere with snow removal, and to amend Township of St. Clair By-law 78 of 2001.

By-Law 44 of 2014: Being a By-Law for regulating and prohibiting within the Township of St. Clair noise or noises likely to disturb the inhabitants

2012 By-Laws

By-Law 1 of 2012: Borrowing By-law

By-Law 2 of 2012: A By-law of The Corporation of the Township of St. Clair to confirm the resolutions and motions of St. Clair Township which were adopted up to and including December 19, 2011

By-Law 3 of 2012: A by-law to assume subdivision shown by 25M-18 known as Dallas Court – 2052689 Ontario Inc

By-Law 4 of 2012: A by-law to assume a subdivision shown by 25M-34 known as Shelby Court – 1714632 Ontario Inc

By-Law 5 of 2012: Being a By-law to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 17 of 2003 pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, S.O. 1996, C.4

By-Law 6 of 2012: A By-law to provide for interim tax levies for the year 2012 for the Township of St. Clair

By-Law 7 of 2012: A By-law of the Corporation of the Township of St. Clair to confirm the resolutions and motions of St. Clair Township which were adopted up to and including January 23, 2012

By-Law 8 of 2012: A Deeming By-law

By-Law 9 of 2012: A By-law of The Corporation of the Township of St. Clair to confirm the resolutions and motions of St. Clair Township which were adopted up to and including February 21, 2012


Firefighter Recruitment Information Session

St. Clair Fire is hosting a Firefighter Recruitment Information Session at Station 3 in Courtright (1550 Eighth Street) on January 15, 2025, from 7 PM until 9 PM. Remember applications are due January 31, 2025.   Click Below to See Job Description and Read the Recruitment Guide! Employment Opportunities

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