Tile Loan Application Procedures


Farmers are eligible for Provincial Tile Loans if they own a farm in excess of four (4) hectares. Tile loans are a provincial program wherein we act as agent for the province. Maximum tile loans in any one year are $50,000 per farmer or name or company. The OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs) will monitor and reject a loan whenever the maximum is exceeded.

A farmer can borrow up to seventy-five per-cent (75%) of the actual cost of tiling up to a maximum of $50,000 in any one year. Loans are calculated to the nearest one-hundred dollars ($100) after deducting the tile loan inspectors fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00).

The tile loan application must be completed as fully as possible and as the figures are only estimates it is recommended that you estimate a little on the high side (please call 867-2021 to have an application mailed to you or drop by our office to pick one up in person). Your actual loan is based on the lesser of seventy-five per-cent (75%) of the actual expenditure or the estimate on the application form. Eligible costs to include in your estimates are all costs of tile, connections, laying of tile, labour, machinery rental, and material costs. We insist that the declaration at the bottom of the application form be completed and read carefully as it is a form of affidavit regarding outstanding tile loans and if the information is incorrect the loan may be refused. The application form must be signed by both owners of the property in cases of joint ownership.

The completed application is taken to Council and approval will be based on provincial fund availability, and a letter from the Clerk or designate is sent out to advise the owner if he can proceed to complete his or her tiling and advising him to call out the tile loan inspector to inspect the work and complete and Inspection and Completion Certificate. It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide to the inspector or municipal officer copies of all invoices to show total actual costs and a sketch showing tile locations and pattern.

Once the completion and inspection form is received, the appropriate by-law will be considered by Council and if approved the by-law and corresponding debenture and loan documents will be forwarded to OMAFRA. The debenture will be purchased by the province on the first (1st) day of the month following submission. Cheques will be issued to the applicant as of this date.

Tile loans are for a period of ten (10) years and are repaid annually on your tax bill. The interest rate is six per-cent (6%) simple interest and a loan can be repaid at any time or stay with the property as a local improvement if you sell your property. To calculate your annual payment simply multiply your loan principal by 0.1358679582 and the result is your annual payment of interest and principle for the ten (10) year period (for example, $10,000 loan x 0.1358679582 factor = $1,358.678 annual payment). Tile loan repayments are collected as if “taxes”.

Each year the province announces its tile loan program and rates in May.

For further information, please visit the Ministry site by clicking here.

Please call 519-867-2021 or drop by our office for a copy of the application.

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