Fire Inspections

The Fire Prevention Division of the St. Clair Fire Department enforces the Ontario Fire Code. When the department identifies a violation of this code, it is considered a chargeable offense. It is the responsibility of homeowners, business owners, and building owners to ensure that their buildings comply with the Ontario Fire Code at all times 

Not maintaining fire safety equipment, A restaurant fails to have its fire extinguishers inspected annually, leaving them potentially inoperable in case of an emergency. 

Blocked exits 

A retail store stacks boxes of merchandise in front of an emergency exit door, obstructing the means of egress. 

Breaches in fire separations 

A building manager drills holes in a fire-rated wall to run cables without properly sealing the openings, compromising the fire separation. 

Blocked or wedged open fire doors 

A tenant props open a fire door with a doorstop to improve air circulation, preventing the door from automatically closing during a fire. 

Damaged or broken fire doors and hardware 

A fire door in an apartment building has a damaged self-closing mechanism, preventing it from fully closing and latching. 

Accumulation of Combustible Material in and Around Buildings 

A warehouse stores flammable materials too close to electrical equipment, creating a fire hazard. 

Exhaust and Fire Protection Systems in Commercial Kitchens 

A restaurant neglects to clean its kitchen exhaust hood system regularly, allowing grease to accumulate and increase the risk of a fire. 

Smoke and CO alarms 

An owner fails to replace an alarm after the expiry date. 

You can submit a complaint if you suspect a fire hazard, and we will conduct an inspection. To submit a complaint or concern related to the safety of a specific property, please email us at or call us at 519-481-0111. 

You can request a fire safety inspection if you are a property owner or tenant to make sure you are complying with the Ontario Fire Code. Contact St. Clair Fire at 519-481-0111 or by email at 

Fees may apply depending on the type of inspection you request. 

To obtain a copy of a Fire Incident Report or to request a file search, please submit a written request to St. Clair Fire. You can do this by mail, email, or in person at the Fire Department Headquarters located at 392 Lyndoch Street, Corunna, ON.  

Your written request must include the following information:  

  • Contact name and address of the property owner.  
  • Owner’s name and address.  
  • Name and address where the report should be sent.  

Please note that you must be the property owner or provide written permission from the property owner to make this request.  

The appropriate fee must be included with the request in order to be processed. 

It is important as an owner of a building, property or business in Ontario that you are aware of your requirements under the Ontario Fire Code. One of these requirements is to ensure that you have an approved Fire Safety Plan for specific properties or occupancies.A fire safety plan is a document that contains information specific to the building as it relates to building construction and fire safety features. It also contains fire safety information and fire emergency evacuation procedures for the occupants and supervisory staff in the building.

A fire safety plan is required in buildings containing a:

  • Assembly occupancy
  • Care occupancy, care and treatment occupancy, detention occupancy and retirement home
  • Residential where the occupant load exceeds 10 people
  • Offices where the occupant load exceeds 300 people
  • Stores and businesses where the occupant load exceeds 300 people
  • High hazard industrial buildings where the occupant load exceeds 25 people
  • Medium hazard industrial buildings where the occupant load exceeds 100 people
  • Low hazard industrial buildings where the occupant load exceeds 300 people

A fire safety plan also applies to buildings or premises:

    • Containing four stories or more, including stories below grade
    • Outdoor tire storage yards
    • Buildings and open areas where the quantities of flammable and combustible liquids exceeds 500 litres in total, or exceeds 250 litres of Class I liquids
    • Laboratories
    • Hazardous extraction operations
    • Boarding, lodging and rooming houses
    • Used as a convalescent home or children’s custodial home providing sleeping accommodations for more than three people
    • Buildings that have a contained use area or an impeded egress zone
    • Recreational camps regulated under the Health Protection and Promotion Act

There are no specific requirements identifying who may develop and submit a fire safety plan. Many owners develop and submit their own fire safety plans while others chose to hire contractors to assist them with the process.  If you don’t have experience in writing a fire safety plan or property management, we recommend that you hire a contractor for assistance.

Every building or business is unique, and every plan is unique. Ensure that information including maintenance items is reflective of the conditions at your property. As the owner you are responsible to ensure its accuracy and for fully implementing the plan that you have submitted for approval. We have added useful information in the section on “how to create a fire safety plan”. Use the information as a guide only.

A Fire Safety Plan is a document required by Section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code, designed by the owner or qualified contractor. The Fire Safety Plan must be customized to fit the requirements of your building. Plans that are not customized will not be approved. There are many qualified companies who can prepare a Fire Safety Plan for you. Plans are customized to a specific building and should be reviewed at least once a year.

The Fire Safety Plan review guide has been made available for use to assist in developing a complete plan for your submission in order to ensure a timely review and to avoid subsequent review charges.

Should you require assistance, please call the Fire Department at 519-481-0111. 


Fire Safety Plan Review Guide

10 Step Guide to Developing a Fire Safety Plan

What if my building is mixed use?

When it is determined that you have an occupancy that meets the criteria for requiring a fire safety plan the plan must be developed for the building. As an example, this means that a small apartment building which would normally not require a plan would now need one because a portion of the building now includes a small restaurant with 40 seats.

Because of the complexity of these plans, you may wish to consider hiring a professional with the preparation of these more complex plans.

Fire safety plans are required to incorporate all uses and occupancy types in the building.

All fire safety plans are required to be approved by the Chief Fire Official. The Chief Fire Official is Fire Chief in most municipalities however they have the authority to delegate this authority in writing. If your fire safety plan does not bear the signature of the Chief Fire Official, it is not approved and as such you are in contravention of the Ontario Fire Code.

There are three ways to submit the required plans:

  1. Email your plan to Fire Department.
  2. Drop off two (2) copies to St. Clair Fire Department at 392 Lyndoch Street in Corunna
  3. Mail two (2) copies to St. Clair Fire Department, 392 Lyndoch Street, Corunna, Ontario N0N 1G0

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