Recycling & Waste Collection

RPRA Launches a New ‘Where to Recycle’ Map

RPRA’s ‘Where to Recycle’ map displays locations across Ontario where you can drop off used materials to be recycled, such as batteries, electronics, household hazardous waste, lighting and tires, for free. Materials collected at these locations are reused, refurbished, recycled, or properly disposed of to help keep them out of landfill, recover valuable resources and protect our environment.

Beginning July 1, 2023

St. Clair’s blue box recycling program is now managed by Circular Materials, who is the administrator of the common collection system and a not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. This transition will result in no change to how you currently recycle your materials or to your collection schedule.

Please contact Emterra for recycling-related inquiries: 1-888-597-1541 or

For more information about recycling in St. Clair


General Inquires and questions regarding Waste and Recycling  – please call St. Clair Township Civic Centre 519-867-2993 

  For all the latest notifications and updates, check out our page at

 Click Here for the 2025 Waste Collection Calendar

Click Here for the 2025 Waste & Recycling Collection Maps

For further information:

Marcotte Disposal has the contract for garbage and compost collection

  • Questions and/or concerns if wanting to contact Marcotte directly – please call 519-339-9988


Got a question? Try out the Recycle Coach App below!

Acceptable Recycling Receptacles (say that three times fast)

Waste Collection Reminders to Avoid Missed Collection

To help ensure collection crews remain healthy, all waste should be bagged and securely tied.

Loose garbage bags or garbage bags in cans at the curb will not be collected if they are not tied.

Maximum weight per bag is 50 lbs.

As a reminder, ashes (i.e. cigarette butts, cigars, and fire pit ash) need to be separately sealed in a bag and placed in waste.

Please ensure these items are completely extinguished before placing in the garbage.

As well, napkins, paper towels and tissues are NOT recyclable.

Thank you, for your continued support of our Waste Reduction Program.


Ontario Medication Returns Program (OMRP) and the Ontario Sharps Collection Program (OSCP)

Canada’s Health Products Stewardship Association has made it possible for Ontarians to return unused or expired medications and sharps, free of charge, to many pharmacies in our community. For a list of collection locations near you, visit or click here.


In every household there are products that need special care for disposal.

Hazardous materials can be dropped off on scheduled collections days at Clean Harbors Canada, located at 4090 Telfer Road.

For details of what is acceptable or unacceptable, collection days and location  Click here


For information on yard waste / brush collection, please go to this page    Yard Waste / Brush Collection


ATTENTION St Clair Township Residents

Beginning January 1, 2019, recycling will only be collected in blue recycling boxes. Recycling in clear or blue bags will no longer be accepted.

Blue boxes are available to purchase at the St Clair Township Civic Centre Public Works Department . Lids are available also.

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