Prevent FOG (Fats, Oil & Grease) in Our Sewers

● With your help we can prevent FOG from clogging the sewer ●
● Protect your pipes ●
● Don’t let your sewer turn on you and your neighbours ●
● Never pour FOG down the drain! FOG clogs! ●
in our sewers
What is FOG?
FOG (Fats, Oil and Grease) is the most common cause of sewer back-ups. FOG is a by-product of cooking and can be found in butter, margarine, salad dressing, gravies, sauces, lard, shortening, baking goods, meat fats and dairy.
Did you know the sewer system is only designed for the 3 P’s?
1. Pee
2. Poo
3. Paper (toilet paper)
What can you do to help?
DO collect used grease and cooking oil in a container and dispose of it in the garbage.
DO wipe out visible fats, oil, grease and food residue from dishes, pots and pans with disposable paper towels.
DO put solid waste and food scraps in the garbage.
DO be aware of hidden FOG’s in salad dressing, sauces, gravies, cheese and desserts.
DO use a strainer in the sink to remove excess food debris.
DO encourage neighbours to keep FOG’s out of the sewer system.
DO NOT pour oil and grease down the sink, drain or toilet.
DO NOT scrape food scraps down the sink, drain or toilet.
DO NOT pour liquid food down the sink, drain or toilet.
DO NOT run hot water over greasy dishes or pans. The FOG will
cool and stick to the inside of the pipes.
DO NOT use a food waste grinder to get rid of food and grease.
DO NOT use washable cloths to wipes greasy dishes clean.
ATTENTION: Restaurants, Industry or Commercial premises where food is cooked, processed or prepared: Necessary measures are required to ensure oil and grease are prevented from discharging to:
• a sanitary sewer more than the limits
• a storm sewer in any quantity
as per the Sewer Use By-Law 24 of 2017.
If this pertains to your premise an Oil and Grease
Interceptor is REQUIRED to be installed, operated
and properly maintained in accordance with the
Sewer Use By-Law 24 of 2017. Please refer to for the By-Law.

Click here for a pdf version of the notice (printable)


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