That spare change that puts holes in your pockets, clutters up the floor or your car, and makes you jingle when you walk can help support the upkeep of one of the most scenic trails in Ontario when you donate it to the St. Clair Trail through the Pennies for Pavement program.
Just drop it off at the following locations: Shaykin Bait Variety in Port Lambton or the Riverview Restaurant in Sombra Village.
Every penny will be matched 2:1 by St. Clair Township Council.
Bricks, benches, and blocks can still be ordered to commemorate a special occasion or to provide a lasting memorial to departed loved ones.
To place an order, contact Laura at 519-862-2442 (north end of trail) or Janis at 519-892-3223 (south end of trail).
You can also visit the trail website at: