Tenders & RFPs

Click on a tender for further information

Declaration of Intent

The Corporation of the Township of St. Clair intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by group purchasing organizations.   Click here for further information.

Tenders under $50,000

Nothing currently.

Tenders over $50,000

The Township of St. Clair introduces bids&tenders™, a 100% online bidding platform that allows you to submit bids for goods and services 24/7 for construction projects in excess of $50,000 or request for proposals.

Bid documents issued on or after April 1, 2018 will be posted on bids&tenders™ for viewing and downloading. Submission of bids will continue to be in-person and by mail courier.

You will need to subscribe as a vendor with bids&tenders™ to continue receiving and submitting large bids for The Township of St. Clair.

Request for Quotations

None currently.

For Rent Tenders

None currently.

For Sale Tenders

None currently.

Request for Proposals (RFP’s)

None currently.

If you work in construction, the rules for mandatory WSIB coverage have changed. Do you run your own construction business? Big or small, with workers or without, you still need to know what’s changed. Find out what it means for you.

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