Food Delivery Foil Lined Boxes

Foil lined boxes like the ones that are used for fresh or frozen food delivery are not recyclable and are considered waste.

Many food delivery companies will pick them up when they drop off your new order!



Flags at Half Mast

September 10, 2024 – The flag in front of the St. Clair Township Civic Centre, Mooretown Sports Complex and Emergency Services are lowered to half-mast in memory of the late Jim DeGurse. DeGurse was elected Councillor with St. Clair Township for 20 years (1998-2006 & 2010-2022). DeGurse passed away on September 9, 2024.

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Reminder for Real Estate Signs

This is a reminder for all Real Estate and Open House signs posted around St. Clair Township…. By-law 13 of 2017, states that :   -Real Estate Signs cannot be placed any closer than 0.3 meters to any lot line                             -Cannot create

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