Fire Safety Plan Review Guide

Fire Safety Plan Review Guide

Prior to the submission of your plan for review, you may wish to use this guide to see if your plan addresses the minimum necessary requirements of section 2.8 of the Ontario Fire Code (OFC). This guide could assist in developing a complete plan for submission and preventing additional costs for subsequent review(s). As well, depending on the complexity and size of a development, a more comprehensive plan may be required in order to satisfy the St. Clair Township Fire Department approving the fire safety plan.
Note: Although every attempt has been made to capture the requirements of section 2.8 in this guide, this guide is not to be construed as an exhaustive list of requirements. If there are any discrepancies between this document and the OFC, the OFC prevails.

The fire safety plan:

1 Includes a table of contents.
2 States who is responsible for the implementation of the plan. (Div. A.
3 Shows the appointment and organization of designated supervisory staff to carry out fire
safety duties. (
4 States that the plan will be kept in the building in an approved location. The location must be
acceptable to the Fire Services and must be accessible at all times)(
5 States it will be reviewed as necessary (at least every 12 months). (
6 States supervisory staff will receive a copy of emergency procedures and assigned
duties. Includes a distribution list. (

Emergency Procedures
7 Includes the emergency procedures used in case of fire, including sounding the alarm and
procedures for use of elevators. ( and (v))
8 Includes instructions to manually operate kitchen fire protection system. (
9 Includes instructions for occupants on procedures to be followed when the fire alarm sounds. (i.e. “To Stay or to Go”, Office of the Fire Marshal Guideline included).
( (iii))
10 States emergency instructions and procedures shall be prominently posted and maintained
on each floor area. (
11 Tells of the procedures for notifying the fire department (i.e. call 911 from a safe location).
12 Includes the evacuation procedures for persons requiring assistance. (
13 Includes the training of supervisory staff and instruction of other occupants in their fire safety responsibilities. Indicates they will receive training before any responsibilities given
and who is conducting training. (

Controlling Hazards/Information to Occupants
14 Tells of controlling fire hazards in the building.
(i.e. state that maintenance personnel shall check for waste in corridors and stairwells, Reporting of same, i.e. indicate that sprinkler heads, and escutcheons plates are not to be painted over
(especially residential, etc.) (
15 Includes procedures to confine, control and extinguish fire. (
16 Restaurant Patio- Outlines the means of ensuring that restaurant occupant load is not exceeded by patio occupants in event of inclement weather (OFM TG-03-2007 /

Alternative Measures
17 Tells of the provisions of alternative measures for the safety of occupants during any shutdown of fire protection equipment and systems or part thereof. For fire watch, it indicates method of alerting occupants (whistle, horn, bell, etc.) and communication.

Fire Drills
18 Outlines the holding of fire drills for supervisory staff and other, including
emergency procedures.(
19 Includes the procedure for conducting fire drills. (
20 States required frequency for fire drills. (
• Once during every 12 months period
• Monthly for Supported Group Living Residence (SSPSIPDDA), day cares, care, care and treatment, and detention.
• 3 per term for schools (spring, summer, fall)
• Every 3 months for high buildings ( 3.2.6. of OBC)
21 States fire drill records shall be kept for 12 months after the fire drill. (

22 Tells of maintenance procedures for building fire safety features. (
• Fire Alarm System
• Sprinkler System
• Standpipe System
• Exit and Emergency lighting
• Carbon Monoxide/Smoke Alarm
• Fire Department Connection
• Portable Extinguishers
• Voice Communication Systems.
• Special Extinguishing systems
• Solid Fuel Appliances
• Private hydrant/reservoirs/pumps
• Emergency Power
• Elevator
• Smoke Venting/Control
23 Indicates who will be doing the checks/ tests/ inspections (checks/inspections by manager/owner/representative, tests by a qualified contractor). Clearly sets out the required times for checks/ tests/inspections of building systems. ( Note: Building systems may require additional testing beyond minimum 3 month requirements outlines in Part 7 of the OFC, depending on requirements identified for system by designer. Obtain designer requirements. Identify measures in plan.
24 States records of tests and corrective measures will be kept for 2 years. (

25 Includes documents and schematic diagrams. Floor plans: Showing the type, location and operation of all building fire emergency systems, and carbon monoxide detectors. Site plan: include gas shut off valve, hydrants, fire dept. conn., clearly mark access/entrance points,
fire route, legend, north arrow, streets. (
26 Includes the instructions on the operation of building fire emergency systems. (i.e. setting and resetting of fire alarm, Elevators) The plan identify which smoke measure in accordance with the Ontario Building Code or designer method, and all smoke control or venting features and locations of systems (fans, motorized dampers, louvres, doors required to open,
etc). (
27 Addresses the handling and storage of flammable and combustible liquids (i.e. spill
procedures, kits, postings, etc., in accordance with Part 4 of the OFC). (

High Buildings (3.2.6. OBC)
28 Includes instructions for supervisory staff on use of voice communication system.
29 Includes instructions for supervisory staff on actions to initiate smoke control and other fire
emergency procedures until the fire dept. arrives. (
30 Tell of procedures to help Fire Services (1) to gain access to the building, (2) locate fire in
bldg. (
31 Includes instructions for supervisory staff and Fire Services for operation of fire emergency
systems. (

Hotel Establishments
32 States that there shall be sufficient supervisory staff available to carry out duties as required
in the fire safety plan (FSP). (
33 States that in buildings greater than 3 storeys in building height or having a total area greater than 4000 sq./m, supervisory staff shall be on duty whenever the building is occupied.
34 State that every employee shall take part in at least one fire drill during each 12 month
period. (

Care Facilities
35 In care, care and treatment, detention and retirement homes, state there shall be sufficient supervisory staff available to carry out duties as required in the FSP (reference OFM-TG-01-
2013 which is to be used as basis for determining the number of required staff). (
36 In care, care and treatment, and retirement home, states training of staff carried out under plan will be recorded. (
States original or copy of training records shall be kept in the building for 2 years and available to the CFO for review.
37 In care, care and treatment, and retirement home, states an approved fire drill scenario representing lowest staff and worst case to be carried out once per year to confirm
requirements of have been met. (
38 States storage, handling and use of portable oxygen systems in health care facilities will be in
accordance with CSA-Z305.12 and provides pertinent details of the standard. (

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