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Postal address
Township of St. Clair Civic Centre
1155 Emily Street
Mooretown ON N0N 1M0
Office Hours: 8:30 – 4:30 Monday to Friday (closed holidays)
Postal address for Fire Department
392 Lyndoch Street
Corunna ON N0N 1G0
Phone numbers
Municipal Building 519-867-2021
Public Works (After hours emergency) 1-888-441-4204
Fire Department Administration 519-481-0111
Community Services (Recreation &
Cultural Services) 519-867-2651
Moore Museum 226-784-3340
Sombra Museum 519-892-3982
St. Clair Parkway Golf Course (Pro Shop) 519-867-2160
Cathcart Campground 519-892-3342
Branton Cundick Campground 519-892-3968
Long Distance Toll Free 1-800-809-0301